I'm Jalen Pinder

Software & Web Developer

Developer Designer Creator
Profile Photo

My Journey

Man sitting on wall

As a creative, my development journey has been fueled by my passion to turn ideas into reality. Having studied computer science at Saint Mary's University here in Halifax, I was given a great tool to do exactly that. I gravitated towards programming very early on in university and decided to pursue it as a career. The potential I saw with the skills I began to develop further inspired me to build new ideas and create things that could help myself and others.

Although far from an easy journey, my faith in God, combined with the vision of what I wanted to accomplish pushed me forward into becoming the developer I knew I could be. And while I've made great progress towards my goals, my determination to develop myself and my skills remains unwaivering. This page is the first of many more great accomplishments to come.

Come along for the ride!